Dragonstone, imported from the UK, they are hard wearing, finely detailed and beautifully finished.

Open everyday 9am-4.30pm Call us 03 389 4352

Roses at Portstone

2024 Roses

If there is a rose variety you wish to have in your garden, get in contact with us and we can check our stock.

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Caring for your Roses

Dig a hole large enough so the roots are not squashed and face straight down.

Place a couple shovel scoops of quality compost and a handful of granule rose fertiliser and mix in away from the roots to avoid burning them.

Sit the rose in so the crown/bud union is level with the ground (do not bury the new shoots).

Fill hole with soil and tread down firmly, apply another handful of fertiliser to the soil around base of rose.

Water your new rose well, we advise a bucket full at planting. Water again the following week even if we have had rain.


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